Inner Teacher Kundalini Yoga (ITKY) is offered within Wenatchee Community Acupuncture. ITKY draws from historical yoga and contemplative lineages and modern Poly-Vagal Nervous System theory to create a powerful, mindfulness based approach to asana, pranayama and meditation.
Inspired by the times we live in, classes encourage a direct and compassionate relationship with your own intuition, body and mind. Participants are invited to explore the outer reaches of their own comfort zone - whether it be physical, mental or emotional - within the safe container of their own self-agency. Exploring in this way is critical to personal and collective evolution.
As a science, yoga and meditation boosts immunity and simultaneously stimulates and relaxes the nervous system. Research has shown a wide range of other benefits as well. Energetically, Kundalini yoga and meditation provides a consistent, overall overhaul of the entire Self. Practiced regularly, Kundalini and meditation are excellent adjunctive therapies for a wide variety of conditions and issues.
Classes are suitable for ALL LEVELS of students and are held on select Wednesday evenings from 5:30-7:00ish pm. Classes are offered on a sliding scale fee of $10-20. Space is limited to 12 people on a first-come, first serve basis or you can reserve your spot online. Walk-ins welcome as space allows.