New Patient Orientation
Thinking of Becoming a New Patient? Read on!
Wenatchee Community Acupuncture (WCA) is one of many community acupuncture clinics established in the U.S. Community-style acupuncture is an effective way to deliver this potent medicine in an affordable way. Community acupuncture is the heart and soul of WCA but many more services are offered at WCA as well. In addition, telehealth options are offered for nearly all of the services at WCA. Learn more about telehealth sessions here.
We Make Accessing Chinese Medicine and Holistic Health Services Affordable
Community acupuncture treatments are available on a sliding scale of $30-$60 with your first visit being a $60 flat fee. We also offer $15-25 ear acupuncture (the NADA protocol) on most Fridays on a walk-in basis from 4-6 pm and via appointment throughout the week. There is never any need to prove your income. Our only goal is for you to be able to find out how useful acupuncture can be for you. Acupuncture is most effective and likely to bring relief when it is done frequently and regularly. Acupuncture is a PROCESS. It is very rare for any person to be able to resolve a problem completely with one treatment. For those desiring a one-on-one treatment, private acupuncture and telehealth sessions are available as well.
We Encourage a Multi-pronged, Holistic Approach to Treatment
WCA offers a holistic approach where acupuncture is an important piece, but not the only tool available. For example, sometimes dietary changes are critical or sometimes herbal formulas will be helpful. Together, we create a plan that works for you based the specifics of your situation and how it is interfering with your quality of life. Your plan may include recommendations involving herbal medicine, food therapy, the use of essential oils, cupping and yoga and/or meditation. Sometimes the plan includes referrals to other providers as well. Like all good plans for an ever-evolving human being, the plan might need to shift and change over time. So, we adjust it - together - based on what’s up.
In terms of acupuncture, twice a week treatments is usually the minimum needed to get some momentum moving ahead with a health issue, though more frequent visits are common for short periods of time if the problem is quite intense. If you don’t come in often enough OR stop coming too soon acupuncture may not work for you. Check out this free e-book “Why Did You Put That Needle There?” for key FAQs related to acupuncture.
We Treat in a Community Room AND Offer Telehealth Sessions
WCA is a hybrid model of health care delivery based principally on Chinese Medicine. We offer both onsite/in-person services as well as telehealth sessions in the convenience of your own home.
WCA believes wholeheartedly that a group acupuncture setting has many benefits: it’s easier for friends and family to come in together and it allows patients to keep their needles in as long as they want. Most people learn after a few treatments when they feel “done” or “cooked”. This can take anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour.
The community treatment room is meant to remain a quiet space for you and others to rest, sleep and sort it all out. Its atmosphere exists through our patients relaxing and healing together. We appreciate everyone’s presence and we find this kind of collective stillness a rare and valuable thing in our fast-paced, high octane world. Maintaining this reservoir of calm means there is very little talking in the clinic space – including by us. If you would like to speak to your acupuncturist one-on-one at great length, please let her know. We can arrange for time in the office.
Understanding that “the times, they are a-changing”, WCA also offers technology-enabled health, consultation and case management services to increase accessibility, convenience and - sometimes - safety for its clients. You don’t have to leave your home environment to tap into the rich benefits of Chinese Medicine and other services WCA offers to the community. WCA’s “all in one” patient portal allows for super easy scheduling, access and a HIPAA-compliant platform for its telehealth sessions.
Our Commitment to You
WCA wants our community to be welcoming to all different kinds of people. We want to give you the tools to take care of your own health in a safe environment with a skilled, compassionate and experienced practitioner. We will always be available to listen to any advice and/or feedback you may have about WCA. We will do all of this with a sense of humor and help from you as well. Please enjoy the space and time to do your work. We’re happy you’re here.
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