A Position: WCA’s Core Values

WCA is a new, local business in the Wenatchee Valley area. It will provide community acupuncture and other health-related services beginning in August 2020 in downtown Wenatchee.

Here are WCA’s core values:

✅ WCA is an anti-racist, local business. It is a safe space for BIPOC to receive care, to rest and heal.

✅ WCA is a pro-LGBTQIA+ local business. It is a safe space for members of the LGBTQIA+ community to receive care, to rest and heal.

✅ WCA believes in access to health care for all and provides free and low-cost acupuncture to the community.

✅ WCA leads with compassion, listening and a desire to learn.

✅ WCA is a place of rest for the community to build and maintain personal and collective health and resiliency.

✅ WCA uses its public platform in ways that educate and eradicate systemic injustices.

We are looking forward to serving the community in 2020 and beyond.

Many blessings to all 💚💚💚


A Podcast: Trauma-informed Acupuncture